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Monday, August 24, 2020
Romeo and Juliet English Coursework Essay Example Essay Example
Romeo and Juliet: English Coursework Essay Example Paper Romeo and Juliet: English Coursework Essay Introduction So far we know the entire story in view of the preamble toward the beginning of the play. In any case, because of the sad idea of the play and its experience, the crowd would overlook this and accept that the play would change. Both of the â€Å"star-crossed lovers†haven’t met one another, yet. What's more, their families, the Montagues and Capulets are in an on-going contention which makes it practically incomprehensible for Romeo and Juliet to try and meet, not to mention become hopelessly enamored. It is these deterrents, and the primary subjects of fate and love, vengeance and conflict.Just before Romeo, Mercutio and Benvolio enter the ball, Romeo starts a monologue. He utilizes graceful language, a sort of discourse that varies between the characters all through the scene and the play. Graceful language is utilized for characters that have a point to underscore to the crowd. Included alongside the discourse, this permits the crowd to concentrate exclusively on wha t Romeo says, and is an indication to state that whatever he discusses is important.It’s a line that ought not be disregarded, and is utilized by the most enthusiastic characters like Romeo and Tybalt. In this monologue, Romeo talks about death. Truth be told, he tells the crowd that his own demise will come just by entering the ball. In any case, he likewise says that his destiny is in God’s hands â€Å"But he who hath steerage of my course Direct my sail!†This last line makes a sentiment of riddle among the crowd what will his destiny be the point at which he enters the ball? It additionally sets up pressure for the following scene.As soon as Romeo and his companions enter the Capulet ball, the strain that was made from Romeo’s discourse has faded away. The initial segments of this scene are commanded by hirelings at the ball. The funny lines from the workers begin to bring down the strain. One second the play is not kidding, next second it’s ch ipper. In Shakespeare’s times, this diverting area of the play would be utilized to get the crowd once more into the play. This was done, in light of the fact that the vast majority of Shakespeare’s crowd wasn’t instructed well overall, so they wouldn’t completely comprehend the play. After the servant’s comic commitment, the crowd hears a silly discourse from a character known as Capulet.The discourse from an apparently alcoholic Capulet is immediately trailed by Romeo’s first sight of Juliet. This is a snappy pinnacle of strain which happens a ton all through the play. In the Marco Zefferelli film adaptation of Romeo and Juliet, a delicate and sentimental melody is sung out of sight to put things in place for the gathering. Another intriguing method with regards to this film used to depict the occasion is a moving circle with many gathering visitors including Romeo and Juliet.The circle speaks to the certainty of Romeo’s meeting wit h Juliet. He begins to portray her excellence in incredible detail, utilizing his wonderful language once more. This implies it’s another significant bit of discourse. The huge measure of accentuation on Juliet’s magnificence is utilized by Shakespeare on account of the timespan the play was set in. Just men would have the option to follow up on the stage, so the male variant of Juliet wouldn’t look exceptionally engaging numerous in the crowd and they would be befuddled concerning why Romeo needs Juliet.Phrases, for example, â€Å"Beauty unreasonably rich for use, for earth too dear†imply that Romeo sees Juliet in a celestial manner. She isn’t of this world. The inquiry â€Å"Did my heart never love till now?.never saw excellence till this night†is significant in light of the fact that it shows the crowd the qualification between the adoration Romeo currently has for Juliet and the desire that Romeo had for Rosaline. The way that Romeo co nveys these lines to the crowd in both film adjustments of Romeo and Juliet, the measure of conviction appeared in his developments, outward appearances and discourse is all that could possibly be needed to tell the crowd this is genuine love.Soon after Romeo’s first locating of Juliet, the crowd sees Tybalt and Capulet take part in a contention over Romeo. From the past scenes with Tybalt, it’s realized that he has a temper and detests the Montague family (and those related with them) with a red hot enthusiasm. He initially cautions Capulet that Romeo is at the Capulet Ball. In his initial hardly any lines, he makes reference to executing Romeo. Since he has gone to the enemy’s party, Tybalt considers it to be an attack, an affront in his possession and a big motivator for it, â€Å"by the stock and respect of my kin.not a sin†. Notwithstanding, Capulet doesn’t accept that Romeo has any evil goals against his family at the Ball, â€Å"A bears him like a stout gentleman†. Capulet (apparently) assumes responsibility for the circumstance with his supplication, yet this rankles Tybalt more.He says â€Å"I won't suffer him†. He can't represent Romeo to be here any more, his anger starts to show considerably more in his short, yet, solid reaction to Capulet. The answer to Tybalt is the thing that angers him the most. â€Å"You are a saucy boy!†In past scenes, Tybalt has demonstrated that he’s a careless, irate youngster. He gets a kick out of the chance to keep up his awful kid picture. For instance, his mien in Baz Luerrman’s variant of Romeo and Juliet is smooth. In the initial battling scene, a discussion among himself and Benvolio prompts a gigantic battle. In any case, one of the most significant things he said in an irate manner of speaking was â€Å"Peace.I abhor the word†. So from his foolish activities, powerful furious voice, and selection of words, the crowd can see that Tybalt is hostility and hot-headedness is solid. He has persuaded himself that he is a man, along these lines is.Back to Capulet, he proceeds to obnoxiously assault Tybalt. In both film adjustments, Capulet’s voice turns out to be not so much joyous but rather more genuine. He starts to assume an increasingly fatherly job towards Tybalt in this scene. Put-down, for example, â€Å"You are a princox (impolite youthful man)†and â€Å"goodman kid (unmannerly kid) are what Tybalt likes to be tended to as. The last and most significant area to this contention is the thing that he says to the crowd. â€Å"Patience perforce with.greeting†is Tybalt communicating his feelings. He doesn’t like that reality that he can do nothing to his most noteworthy adversary inside his own home in view of Capulet’s orders. The rhyming here is imperative to address the crowd. â€Å"I will withdraw.bitter gall†, keeps on clarifying how Tybalt feels. He keeps on saying he won’t battle with Romeo at this moment, yet in the long run he will. â€Å"Sweet convert to unpleasant gall†implies that anyway pleasant it is to have even more motivation to murder Romeo, the persistence he should need to get Romeo won't be useful for him.He lots of significant things with the play with these four lines. Right off the bat, he sets up increasingly strain and causes the crowd to pose more inquiries, â€Å"When is Tybalt going to go head to head with Romeo†, â€Å"How?†and so on. Furthermore, he ensures that the crowd gets the message. His unexpected move to idyllic language and utilizing rhyming couplets is a stand apart point to state â€Å"This is important†. What's more, it shows the enthusiasm of the character too, Tybalt had an energy to get his payback on Romeo and the crowd can hear it through the little rhyme.Romeo and Juliet’s meeting is made significantly all the more intriguing by Shakespeare’s utilizatio n of a work (a 14 line sonnet, in a 4-4-4-2 design). The components that make this so intriguing and ground-breaking as a sentimental scene are as per the following. Initially, the to and fro movement of discourse. The two of them present the work, with a stream that adds increasingly pressure to this scene. The principle topic of destiny is significant here, as there’s an unequivocal association. The stream that these two have causes it to appear as though they are one individual talking straightforwardly to the crowd, they were intended to be together. Besides, the feelings of Romeo’s discourse and slight pretend from both characters.The way he address Juliet, regarding her as a sacred article, a place of worship. Proof of this is in the lines, â€Å"If I profane with my dishonorable hand†, and alluding to Juliet as a â€Å"holy shrine†. He is somewhere down in affection with her, and he is pursuing her. Notwithstanding the past focuses, the poem assist s with making the crowd see the side of Juliet that is lively, sprightly and what makes her so appealing to Juliet. In the Baz Luerrman film form of Romeo and Juliet, Juliet’s character is extremely coquettish, practically enticing Romeo significantly more with each word she says, as though Romeo’s life held tight every word that originated from Juliet. The composed content is only the equivalent, Romeo pursuing the young lady he wants, the he loves.As the storyline proceeds after the Capulet Ball, we are conveyed straight into the gallery scene. Romeo begins by utilizing graceful language according to how infatuated he is with Juliet. On the other hand, Juliet is doing likewise yet she thinks about Romeo and whether she is truly to adore him completely. In the modernized film rendition of Romeo and Juliet, them two show energy in their voice identifying with one another and communicating their adoration; utilizing camera shots to show the individual characters when th ey utilize their own idyllic language to underscore the focuses that are made separately. The measure of exertion Romeo passes on in the utilization of the language is likewise appeared in the Baz Luerrman variant of the film. It is made to be perused as (and seen as) a demonstration of the adoration that Romeo has for Juliet; as far as the peril that Romeo chances just like a Montague.At the finish of the overhang scene, the storylines for the contentions to come are set. Tybalt looks for retribution on Romeo for what he sees as an intrusion of â€Å"his†gathering, Juliet and Romeo intend to be locked in yet at the same time need to confront the family competition hindrance that keeps their relationship from being free. The following scenes will all feature the conf
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Ethical Problems in Corruption
Chapter by chapter guide Introduction Ethically-educated choices Ethical Breaches Noble Cause Corruption Responses Ethically-stable lead Conclusion Reference List Introduction Allegations of defilement mean various things to various individuals. Generally, has been characterized as the utilization of position or status for individual addition. This could be as a monetary or different favors which may incorporate sexual favors, among others (Martinelli Thomas, 2006).Advertising We will compose a custom research paper test on Ethical Problems in Corruption explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More This implies defilement is a type of maltreatment of intensity. There are different types of defilement in the police power, including pay off, creation of proof, viciousness and mercilessness, partiality, nepotism and even prejudice. Also, others are associated with tranquilize coops. At whatever point police are brought in, it is typically expected that they will give answers f or the social issues or wrongdoings. Be that as it may, one type of debasement that compromises the direct of those engaged with law implementation is the honorable aim defilement. The police are ordinarily depended by the general public to give security yet at whatever point they go past the forces and authority vested upon them in attempting to achieve genuine closures, it is typically alluded to as â€Å"noble cause corruption†(Martinelli Thomas, 2006). Honorable aim defilement is debasement dedicated by the law implementation officials with honest goals so as to accomplish great closures (Martinelli Thomas, 2006). It typically happens when cops care especially about their work and in this way damage the set moral and legitimate norms so as to seek after what they consider to be to the greatest advantage of the general public. This infers they include in unscrupulous practices so as to evacuate the trouble makers in the general public from the avenues. Morally educated ch oices Noble purpose debasement is typically planned for securing people in general and the police as a rule go out their direction and include each potential way to guarantee wellbeing of networks and boulevards. This may occur in situations where the law requirement officials expect to expel suspected in-your-face and hazardous lawbreakers from the boulevards and there is restricted or no immediate proof connecting them to the present crimes.Advertising Looking for research paper on open organization? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The law implementation officials in this way may have occupied with proof manufacture so as to guarantee that such criminal is indicted. In this manner Bacon’s officials may have offered pay-offs to witnesses or judges for the ethical great of the general public. The law requirement officials may have engaged with lying in courts or proof manufactures so as to forestall approaching future v iolations. The police may have had intimations about genuine wrongdoing going to be carried out since they can block interchanges and in this manner capture those they think to be answerable for the plotting of the violations. This, they may have managed without procuring capture warrants because of the fast reaction that they required. This empowered the police to disperse the plans by the crooks and thus ensured general society. Since they probably won't have had the option to assemble the measure of proof required to convict such people they were along these lines compelled to utilize tribute double dealing so as to challenge the people in question and their legal advisors and secure conviction for such people. Bacon’s officials may have offered pay-offs to other government authorities to demonstrate charges of debasement against the people. They may have utilized under spread cops to help pay off such people as a feature of hostile to defilement procedures. This empowered the police to help convict such people who should offer administrations to the general population however rather had decided to utilize their situations for individual addition. This suggests the police at her area of expertise may have applied respectable aim debasement to accomplish moral useful for the general public. Cops may have offered pay-offs to regular folks or other government authorities so as to get critical proof essential for conviction of hoodlums in the general public. This in itself may have been off-base yet it empowered her cops to gather genuine proof that was utilized to demonstrate criminal acts that such people may have been locked in in.Advertising We will compose a custom research paper test on Ethical Problems in Corruption explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Bribes may have additionally been offered to regular people to help capture hazardous lawbreakers in the general public. People who had pivotal data about the whereabouts of some p resumed hoodlums or who may have been in control of data that could prompt the capture of suspects may have been paid off to help ensure the general public. The law requirement officials may have drawn in respectable aim defilement exercises, for example, torment so as to gain indispensable data from the presumed lawbreakers or even proof from them. This may have included tormenting the associated lawbreakers to find the whereabouts with different crooks, who were probably going to cause damage, murder or take from guiltless individuals. They may have additionally occupied with torment of associated lawbreakers to find the area with a bomb or the bomb targets in order to help clearing people in general from the focused on regions or to pulverize the bomb before it detonates. Bacon’s officials may have occupied with respectable debasement in attempting to make sure about arrival of honest regular folks from the hands of criminals. Moral Breaches The thought that in an official courtroom, it is ordinarily the suspects’ contentions against the measure of prove introduced under the steady gaze of the courts have incredibly added to honorable aim defilement (FritzPatrick, 2006). Be that as it may, this prompts moral penetrates in the legal executive and the police. Honorable aim defilement prompts the topic of good obligation of the police power. Proceeded with honorable aim defilement may get routine in the police power and subsequently prompting moral lack in the division. Furthermore, those ordinarily adulterated to give bogus proof, to give urgent data that can be utilized as proof or help follow lawbreakers regularly figure out how to legitimize degenerate acts since those endowed with power to battle defilement are engaged with debasement. Furthermore, every individual has a privilege to a private and secret life. This suggests the principles of training applied in gathering proof against associated hoodlums by use with respectable aim defilemen t may encroach these rights. This might be in such situations where the police pay off others to furnish them with the individual’s private life. Cops likewise in some cases break into suspects homes without procuring capture warrants to gather pivotal proof against the suspects. Meddling observation to gather proof on the speculated criminal likewise encroaches the suspects’ privileges of confidentiality.Advertising Searching for research paper on open organization? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Find out More Each resident including the criminal suspects have the privilege of self-sufficiency. All the types of pressure that the law requirement officials utilize to get proof or data from crooks are ethically deceptive and may hurt the suspect since they may include the utilization of destructive power (Klockars, 1980). Paying off people to give bogus proof against associates in a court with law is against the moral principles of training set by the administration. The standard moral standards necessitate that workers be straightforward in playing out their obligations. Anyway demonstrations of honorable defilement include untrustworthiness. Plus, demonstrations of respectable defilement are demonstrations of unbiased treatment of suspects which is against the government’s measures of moral practice. Honorable purpose debasement acts likewise deny suspects the opportunity to live in a free society without terrorizing since the vast majority of the suspects are generally sentenced for longer terms. Respectable Cause Corruption Responses The inquiry regularly emerge with regards to while accomplishing the ethically great outcomes to the general public legitimizes the utilization unscrupulous or legitimate yet risky methods. Somewhat the mind boggling circumstances that require joke reactions will undoubtedly place the police in solid circumstances that expect them to include messy methods. Anyway as per Klockars (1980), the more the police need the crooks to be rebuffed, the more they ought to comply with the law. Furthermore, those heading the division need to take out any types of captures quantities that put focus on the law requirements officials to misrepresent or mess with the proof so as to guarantee conviction of lawbreakers in their endeavors to satisfy their supervisors (U.S. Division of Justice, 2001). It is additionally significant that police directors cultivate in the cops a worth driven culture that guarantees consistence with the law. The director s need to that guarantee that the police regard the privileges everything being equal. The law authorization officials additionally should be prepared to work inside the law regardless of how trading off the circumstances may be (U.S. Branch of Justice, 2001). In any case, the test is the manner by which to persuade cops who genuinely have confidence in and utilize their qualities to manage them in accomplishing the ethical great of the general public that they can bargain their qualities due to the guidelines. As indicated by Klockars, (1980), the issue emerges in situations when the current laws disappoint accomplishment of ethically attractive results. Also, it might expand the quantity of genuine crooks who go free because of insufficient proof or absence of appropriate proof connecting the hoodlums to the wrongdoings. This would genuine trade off security circumstances in the nation. It would likewise prompt more grievances and fights fr
Saturday, July 25, 2020
Visiting MIT Boston colleges
Visiting MIT Boston colleges Summer is a great time to visit colleges in Boston. There are more than 50 colleges and universities in Greater Boston, making it easy to visit a variety of colleges from one base. Most of the major universities are on subway lines, so renting a car (and trying to navigate Boston roads) is not necessary. And Boston is an exciting, historic city that offers something interesting for the entire family. (I know my parents loved getting to visit me here.) MIT offers information sessions followed by campus tours twice daily, at 10am and 2pm, every weekday throughout the summer. No reservations are necessary. The information sessions are 45 minutes in length and are conducted by admissions officers (I do one or two of these sessions each week). The information session provides an overview of MIT: its culture, academic environment, etc. The admissions officer will also discuss the application process and financial aid. At the conclusion of the tour, student tour guides lead a tour of campus. Stops include the Athletic Center, the Student Center, academic buildings including Main Campus and the Stata Center, Killian Court (have your camera ready), libraries, and, during the summer only, a student dorm room. The tour lasts approximately 75 minutes. After your session and tour, we hope youll explore MIT a bit on your own, visiting departments, labs, food establishments, and more. You can visit the Admissions Reception Center (Room 10-100) to get a campus map, the brochure The Exploration Equation which suggests some interesting places to visit at MIT that arent on the tour, and, of course, some friendly advice. We can also suggest some good places to get lunch or dinner on campus or in the neighborhoods around MIT. Here are my top tips for your summer MIT visit: The busiest sessions/tours here are usually on Mondays and Fridays. If youd like to be at somewhat smaller information sessions and tours, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays are good bets. Allow lots of time to get to MIT. There is lots of construction going on around campus and in Boston; our campus can be difficult to navigate for first-time visitors; and parking is notoriously tight. And, if you get here early, you can roam around and check things out before the information session starts. Have lunch in our Student Center. There are lots of very yummy food options, and youll probably meet real students that you can chat with and from whom you can find out the inside scoop. Check out the MIT Museum, open daily until 5pm. Its worth it. Hotels in Boston and near the colleges are often pretty expensive. I generally think, however, that the location of these hotels makes them much more appealing than the cheaper hotels, which are usually quite out of the way. Do your best to find deals for the better hotels on the web. I think youll really appreciate choosing a hotel with a good location. Visit other schools while youre here. Boston really is a great college town. Below, Ive listed the timings for information sessions at MIT and other Boston area colleges frequently visited by our guests. Usually, a session/tour combo will last 2 to 2.5 hours. Check each schools web site for more information. Timings for Boston-area Information Sessions, Summer 2006 MIT Red Line: Kendall/MIT 10am and 2pm, Monday-Friday Harvard UniversityRed Line: Harvard10am and 2pm, Monday-Friday Tufts UniversityRed Line: Davis9am, 10:30am, 1:30pm, Monday-Friday Boston UniversityGreen Line: Kenmore Square9:30am, 10am, 2pm and 2:30pm, Monday-Friday Boston CollegeGreen Line, B Train: Boston College9:30am, 10:30am, 1:00pm, 2:00pm, Monday-Friday Northeastern UniversityGreen Line, E Train: Northeastern9am, 10am, 2pm, 3pm, Monday-Friday Wellesley CollegeCommuter rail, Framingham/Worcester Line: Wellesley Square(best visited by car)9am and 1pm Monday-Friday Olin CollegeCommuter Rail, Needham Line: Needham Center, then taxi(best visited by car)2pm Monday-Friday Brandeis UniversityCommuter Rail, Fitchburg Line: Brandeis/Roberts(best visited by car)10:15am and 2:15pm, Monday-Friday I hope this was helpful! How else can I help with your summer visit? For those of you who plan to visit, please leave your questions in the comments; I will answer them in future entries. For families who have already visited, feel free to leave your advice on visiting MIT and Boston in the comments; I will pass that advice on in the posts to come.
Friday, May 22, 2020
What is an Animal Extinction
The extinction of an animal species occurs when the last individual member of that species dies. Although a species may be extinct in the wild, the species is not considered extinct until every individualâ€â€regardless of location, captivity, or ability to breedâ€â€has perished. Natural vs. Human-Caused Extinction Most species became extinct as a result of natural causes. In some cases, predators became more powerful and plentiful than the animals on which they preyed; in other cases, severe climate change made previously hospitable territory uninhabitable. Some species, however, such as the passenger pigeon, became extinct due to man-made loss of habitat and over-hunting. Human-caused environmental issues are also creating severe challenges to a number of now-endangered or threatened species. Mass Extinctions in Ancient Times Endangered Species International estimates that 99.9% of the animals that ever existed on earth became extinct due to catastrophic events that occurred while the Earth was evolving. When such events cause animals to die, it’s called a mass extinction. Earth has experienced five mass extinctions due to natural cataclysmic events: The Ordovician Mass Extinction occurred about 440 million years ago during the Paleozoic Era and was likely the result of continental drift and a subsequent two-phase climate change. The first part of this climate change was an ice age that obliterated species unable to adapt to the frigid temperatures. The second cataclysmic event occurred when the ice melted, flooding the oceans with water that lacked sufficient quantities of oxygen to sustain life. Its estimated that 85% of all species perished.The Devonian Mass Extinction that occurred about 375 million years ago has been attributed to several potential factors: diminished oxygen levels in the oceans, the rapid cooling of air temperatures, and possibly volcanic eruptions and/or meteor strikes. Whatever the cause or causes, nearly 80% of all speciesâ€â€terrestrial and aquaticâ€â€were wiped out.The Permian Mass Extinction, also known as The Great Dying, occurred about 250 million years ago and resulted in the extinction of 96% of species on the planet. Possible causes have been attributed to climate change, asteroid strikes, volcanic eruptions, and the subsequent rapid development of microbial life that flourished in methane/basalt-rich environments brought about by the release of gases and other elements into the atmosphere as a result of those volcanic activities and/or asteroid impacts.The Triassic-Jurassic Mass Extinction took place about 200 million years ago. Killing off about 50% of species, it was likely the culmination of a series of smaller extinction events that occurred over the course of the final 18 million years of the Triassic Period during the Mesozoic Era. Possible causes cited are volcanic activity along with its resulting basalt flooding, global climate change, and changing pH and sea levels in the oceans.The K-T Mass Extinction took place about 65 million years ago and resulted in the extinction of approximately 75% of all species. This extinction has been attributed to extreme meteor activity resulting in a phenomenon known as â€Å"impact winter†that drastically altered the climate of the Earth. The Man-made Mass Extinction Crisis â€Å"What is there to life if a man cannot hear the cry of a whippoorwill or the arguments of the frogs around a pond at night?†â€â€Chief Seattle, 1854 While prior mass extinctions occurred long before recorded history, some scientists believe that a mass extinction is taking place right now. Biologists who believe Earth is undergoing a sixth mass extinction of both flora and fauna are raising the alarm. While there have been no natural mass extinctions in the past half-billion years, now that human activities are having a quantifiable impact on the Earth, extinctions are occurring at an alarming rate. While some extinction occurs in nature, it is not in the large numbers being experienced today. The rate of extinction due to natural causes is on average one to five species annually. With human activities such as the burning of fossil fuels and the destruction of habitats, however, we are losing plant, animal, and insect species at an alarmingly rapid rate. Statistics from the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) estimate between 150 and 200 plant, insect, bird, and mammal species go extinct every day. Alarmingly, this rate is almost 1,000 times greater than the â€Å"natural†or â€Å"background†rate, and according to biologists, more cataclysmic than anything Earth has witnessed since dinosaurs disappeared nearly 65 million years ago.
Friday, May 8, 2020
Causes And Consequences Of Poverty - 1452 Words
Causes of Poverty There are multiple factors that poverty is related to such as having poor health, being involved in crime, and not being able to work (â€Å"Poverty in America,†2007). Having one or all three of these poverty-causing factors has a snow-ball effect on individuals. Such factors limit the amount of job opportunities an individual may have, which in turn causes them to be stuck initially with low-come. If opportunities worsen, individuals may fall into poverty. â€Å"In the US, poverty rates are based on what is called the poverty threshold (also known as the poverty line), which is updated yearly by the US Census Bureau†(Finley, 2015). Health Studies suggest that there are many impoverished people with poor health because they†¦show more content†¦Freed criminals are deprived educationally, economically, and socially (Morenoff Harding, 2014). The constant flood of people going in and out of jails has increased inequality, mostly by decreasing chances for employment and reducing pay among previous convicts (Morenoff Harding, 2014). â€Å"Collateral consequences†of imprisonment has put prisoners in a position where they are no longer eligible for receiving benefits such as holding certain jobs, and financial penalties and feeds are charged on delinquents (collateral consequences†of imprisonment). The experience of ex-convicts is that they are not able to make ends meet, because of imprisonment, which only widens the gap of people stuck in poverty. Unemployment Many people find themselves in poverty because they lack participation in the labor market. There are many reasons why individuals are not able to work. Each year the Census Bureau workers conduct a representative sample interview on non-working Americans to better understand why they are not working (Haskins, 2016). There were six main categories mentioned in the responses of the adults ages 25-64 interviewed from the years 1969-2014 (Haskins, 2016). The reasons mentioned as to why Americans were not working was because they were retired, going to school, taking care of family/home, ill or disabled, or could notShow MoreRelatedPoverty : Causes And Consequences Of Poverty1484 Words  | 6 PagesGREGORY CAN275NBB (CURRENT CANADIAN ISSUES) TITLE: POVERTY IN CANADA DUE APRIL 12, 2017 SECTION A: Cause and Consequences of Poverty: a) Cause of Poverty: When a country is facing a change in its’ trends such as economy, inadequate education, high rate of divorce, overpopulation, epidemic and spreading diseases such as AIDS, climate and environmental issues such as insufficient rainfall, it could be a potential victim of poverty someday. 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What is the cause of world poverty? What would this do to the American economy? America’s economy must be a priority to Americans when it comes to solving the issues of world poverty. Utilitarian philosophers, like Peter SingerRead MorePoverty As A Social Problem1739 Words  | 7 Pages Poverty as a Social Problem Magdalena Brania Mrs. Kropf May 27, 2015 Poverty is inscribed in the history of the world, but it is not inherent fate of every human being. It is also not related to the human nature, which does not mean that it can not be due to its nature. All communities experience it, with a greater or lesser extent way causing psychological and sociological conflicts. Society who have to deal with poverty is not only from undeveloped countries, but also developedRead MorePoverty Can Be Defined As The State Of Being Poor1493 Words  | 6 PagesAngel Rosales Professor Nkosi Sociology 2 December 2015 Poverty in America Poverty can be defined as the state of being poor which refers to the deprivation or insufficiency of basic needs which include food, water, shelter, clothing, and education. In America, poverty affects millions of people with a poverty rate of almost 15%. Poverty is an important social problem to address because it affects everyone in a society either directly or indirectly. Those that are affected directly are about 47Read MorePoverty and Classism752 Words  | 4 Pagescapacity for every year that 14.5 American children continue to live in poverty (Koppelman and Goodhart, 2007). Sadly the seriousness of poverty is still often clouded by myths and misunderstandings by society at large. This essay studies the issue of poverty and classism in todays society. Causes of Poverty One of the main causes of poverty is the lack of education. The U.S. education system denies students in poverty the opportunities and access it affords to most other students. Without
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Zeitoun Essay Free Essays
Despite warnings of evacuation, Abdulrahman Zeitoun, a Syrian-American owner of a painting and contracting company in New Orleans, chose to stay when hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans. During his canoe trip journey after Katrina, Zeitoun encountered many people who were trapped in their homes and in need of his help. Risking his life to save others, Zeitoun was falsely accused of stealing and dealing drugs because of his race. We will write a custom essay sample on Zeitoun Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now In Zeitoun, Dave Eggers portrays the view that America has towards Muslim people and how people are treated unjustly simply because of how they look. A few days after Katrina hit, the levees broke, leaving the trapped civilians in shock and poverty. People who remained in the city had little resources, causing many people to break into other homes and stores to find whatever they can to survive. Zeitoun sailed on his canoe around the city and helped people who were trapped in their homes, including two dogs that were left behind by their owners. He felt that he was unable to leave his business because he felt responsible for the damaged houses throughout the duration of the storm. Also, Zeitoun felt that his home was â€Å"worth fighting for†(70) Zeitoun believed that by staying in New Orleans, he felt as if this opportunity was given to him by God to help the people who were still trapped in the city. The National Guards showed up at Zeitoun’s house with guns, assuming that Zeitoun and his friends were part of the Al Qaeda. The guards forcefully tackled them to the ground and arrested them. The National Guards did not inform them why they were being arrested and taken into custody. Zeitoun was taken to an interrogation room where he was stripped naked and his rectum searched for imported goods. They were forced to sleep on the ground and could not touch the jail bars or there would be consequences. Zeitoun was accused of terrorist activity, thus he and his friends were treated inhumanly. During the brutal treatment in jail, Zeitoun had splinters on his foot and asked for medical attention, but his request was denied without consideration due to his status. Eventually, his splinter got worse and he had to perform a medical procedure by cutting the splinter out himself. The soldiers and police in charge of the city after the hurricane arrested anyone who looked remotely suspicious and even those who did not. Instead of serving the public by helping them in the days following the hurricane, they took the civilians to the Greyhound bus station where they dispensed people into cages. Zeitoun and his companions were denied their rights, including the right to make a phone call. Knowing his constitutional rights, Zeitoun makes desperate pleas to the guards to have the opportunity to call his wife, Kathy, in Arizona. However, Zeitoun is repeatedly met with answers such as, â€Å"Phone’s don’t work. You guys are terrorists. You’re Taliban. †(222) Based on how they looked, they were treated as terrorists and the law seemingly did not apply to them. When Zeitoun’s wife, Kathy, finds out that he was arrested, she did not give up fighting until he was out of jail. Kathy did everything she could to get her husband out of jail. Kathy found a lawyer and found out exactly where Zeitoun was. When Kathy came to see Zeitoun, Raleigh, Zeitoun’s lawyer told her that it would cost $75,000 to bail her husband out. The price would have been lower if Zeitoun was not charged of being a terrorist. Zeitoun was wrongly treated because he seemed to be different from everyone else, due to his ethnicity, heritage, and beliefs. The National Security were afraid that Zeitoun was a terrorists that would put the country into turmoil. The soldiers and police abused their powers and treated people that are different with brutality. Dave Eggers was trying to show the reader how people can be wrongly punished based on their background, race, culture, and religions even if they mean no harm. Dave Egger’s book illustrates how people tend to jump into conclusions and make fast assumptions of others without getting to know them. How to cite Zeitoun Essay, Essay examples
Monday, April 27, 2020
King Lear free essay sample
King Lear is first presented in the first scene as an egocentric man who is ignorant of the many flaws in his personality. Lear has formed himself a personality and defined himself as an individual and utterly refuses to give up this vision of himself, one can only imagine the figure that Lear must have once been considering the absolute dominance and control that he exerts over the others around him. As is revealed in the first act, Lear is drastically unrealistic about what is to happen to him during and after relinquishing the throne, and as the result of this great misunderstanding he banishes his loving daughter, Cordelia, leaving only his unloving, and eventually evil daughters, Goneril and Regan, to care for him. The fact that Lear requires his daughters to express how they love him in words, and his irrational reaction to Cordelia’s response, shows that King Lear needs to feel that he is loved to remain mentally stable. We will write a custom essay sample on King Lear or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In Act 2, Lear discovers his great folly as his daughters both remove him from their homes because of his untactful ignorance as to what a disturbance he is causing in both of their homes. Lear finds it incomprehensible that he no longer holds any wealth, authority and political stature, and struggles to maintain his sanity until it eventually breaks loose and Lear flees into the storm on the heath. On the heath, Lear struggles do accept the idea that he is now a weak, old man with no authority; a conflicting view compared to the one that he once had of himself. As Lear falls into madness, his actions start to show more and more of his fury and grief at his Machiavellian daughters and at his own mistake of disowning his only loving daughter, Cordelia. It may be said that only once Lear went mad could he clearly see that of which is happening around him. When Lear eventually comes out of his apparently insane state, the audience is confronted with a completely transformed personality, in which Lear has replaced his egocentrism, arrogance and ignorance with compassion, empathy, and love. It appears that as a result of this great transformation, Lear holds a great remorse for his previous actions, and is thoroughly surprised when Cordelia forgives him for his actions. It seems suitable that this greatly compassionate Lear should die of emotional breakdown over his daughter’s death, as he was so greatly pleased that she had returned to his presence. Edmund: Edmund’s character is one of the more evil and Machiavellian roles in King Lear, one highly comparable to that of Iago in Othello, as both of these characters unashamedly and unremorsefully bring down those around them in order to gain that which they hold most dear. Edmund sees himself as an innocent victim for his illegitimacy, and seeks to gain powers so as to create a world where illegitimate people can hold sway, and his father’s (the Duke of Gloucester) disrespect for Edmund’s illegitimate mother act as to undermine any of the feelings that Edmund may hold. Edmund uses his handsome appearance and quick wit in order to get what he wants, showing no remorse for his evil actions until it comes to the time when he realises that he is going to die and go to hell for his actions. Edmund, however, does hold some qualities that Iago does not, both better and worse. Edmund has great courage when it comes to battling for what he wants, as is shown by his battle with Edgar, and also works his evil in order to achieve something that he see as worth fighting for, rather than the simple revenge that Iago seeks by setting up Othello’s downfall. However, can also be seen as being more rational and intelligent than Iago, and so shows that he does bear and evil inside him, as is shown that his only excuse for his actions is â€Å"I must†, as he sees it simply for his own personal benefit, rather than thinking of the devastation that is happening because of his actions. Cordelia Cordelia is the play’s most virtuous and honest character, though she may be considered to be honest to the point of stupidity. Cordelia’s actions at the beginning of the play, in which she refuses to play Lear’s game of proving oneself to him falsely, is the point at which signifies the beginning of Lear’s downfall, though it may also be viewed that it is also only because of Cordelia that Lear underwent his transformation to become the compassionate man that he is at the end of the play. It seems that the only reason that Cordelia acts the way that she does in the opening scene is because she knows of the false way in which her sisters speak, and before leaving she tells them â€Å"I know what you are†. The constant references to Christianity and Cordelia during the play show that Cordelia epitomises the virtue and love of Christian people. The reunion of Lear and Cordelia at the end of the play symbolises the apparent restoration of order in the Kingdom and the triumph of honesty, love and virtue over evil and spite. However, it is the death of Cordelia and Lear after this â€Å"restoration†that makes the play so much more tragic, showing an unjust and cruel world. Regan and Goneril Regan and Goneril, for the most part of the play, are indistinguishable because of their equal ability at evil and Machiavellian actions towards their father and other people around them. The eldest sisters may be seen as smart, at least for the beginning of the play, in the way that they are capable of fooling their father into believing that they truly love him in order to receive wealth and a higher political status. However, any sympathy that the audience may still be bearing for the sisters and the way in which Lear expects them to treat him quickly disappears as they turn Lear out into the storm, order his death, and then, most cruelly, play a part in gouging Gloucester’s eyes out. Regan and Goneril epitomise evil within the play, showing no conscience and a continual greed for power that allows them to be successful at whatever they may attempt. It is this greed that eventually leads to their undoing, as both share a longing for Edmund and this turns them upon one another, destroying their partnership that was the source of the sisters’ success. Gloucester and Edgar Both Gloucester and Edgar serve the purpose of mirroring the actions of Cordelia and Lear. Through Gloucester, Lear is able to see himself and his own mistakes, as Gloucester has disowned his legitimate and loyal son, leaving only his illegitimate and evil son to care for him. Gloucester in a sense could only see when he became blind, much like Lear, who only became happy with life after he went mad. Edgar plays the role in the play of Cordelia’s male equivalent, as both of them act as characters of extreme virtue and honesty to which all other characters fail to compare. Both Cordelia and Edgar also see the fault and remorse in their fathers and forgive their misguided parents in order to fight a greater evil that resides in their separate siblings. The Fool The Fool serves the play in a great number of ways, though mainly the purpose of serving the King and story as a narrator and conscience to what is happening in the play. By acting as Lear’s conscience, the fool attempts to teach and guide Lear as to understand that is going on around him, though the fool is only able to comprehend what is going on around him through the linguistic devices of which he knows so much. The fact that the Fool instantly recognises Lear’s fault when Lear banishes Cordelia, and still stays with Lear shows that the fool has a greater understanding of what is happening than Lear and also bears a great loyalty to his master. It may also be recognised that as Lear becomes closer and closer to reaching madness, the fool uses stronger and stronger linguistic devices to interpret what is happening in the play. Kent Kent, in part, acts as a commentator in the play, displaying judgement upon most situations in an attempt to guide Lear back to what he believes is the right path in life. The argument that Kent has with Lear at the beginning of the play is perhaps an image of what is to come after the argument, a battle between good and evil, for at this point in the play, Lear could be considered as a representative of evil, and Kent; good. King Lear free essay sample The road to humility that is taken by the King and lessons learned along the way. (more)
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